How To Treat Dandruff-Induced Facial Acne?

Do you have acne breakouts and dandruff at the same time? Although they are not uncommon, breakouts on the face are typically the most unpleasant. However, several other reasons, such as dead skin cells, clogged pores, etc., can cause acne breakouts on the face. But did you know that acne on your face could also be caused by dandruff? Acne and dandruff share a unique relationship. Today, we'll go into more detail about the connection between dandruff and acne and learn about the potential remedies.
Can Dandruff Lead to Acne?
The collection of dead skin cells in your skin pores, excessive oil production, the development of germs, and other factors can all contribute to acne on the face. Seborrheic Dermatitis, or dandruff in medical parlance, is an additional significant factor. Seborrheic Dermatitis most commonly affects the scalp. It causes itchy scalp rashes and leaves your skin dry and flaky. This condition, also known as Cradle Cap, Seborrhea, and Seborrheic Eczema, resembles Skin Eczema but is not the same thing. Although the scalp is typically impacted, other parts of your body, like the face, may also be affected. Touch can transfer bacteria that cause acne. Consequently, the face can get acne all over.
Researchers have been examining the causes of dandruff or Seborrheic Dermatitis, and it appears that there is no single known factor causing this ailment. Technically, many elements interact to cause dandruff to grow. Yeast infections, severe weather, special medical conditions, stress, and genetics are a few dandruff contributors. Dandruff is a sign that the skin is dehydrated. The sebaceous gland beneath your skin overproduces sebum oil when your skin becomes dry to make up for the moisture loss. Your skin gets oily as a result of the elevated sebum oil levels. Your skin's pores become clogged by excess sebum oil and dead skin cells, which causes acne outbreaks.
In most cases, dandruff is to blame when your scalp and forehead flare up and start to break out in acne. But your forehead is not where the acne ends. You begin to have facial acne as the dandruff flakes land on your face, particularly on the nose, cheeks, and chin. And unlike other types of acne, face acne brought on by dandruff may persist or keep coming back until the dandruff problem is treated.
How Can Dandruff-Induced Facial Acne Be Treated?
Apply Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Applying a shampoo with anti-dandruff ingredients is the simplest method to get rid of dandruff. Salicylic Acid, Zinc Pyrithione, Chitosan, Tea Tree Oil, Panthenol, etc., are commonly found in shampoos used to treat dandruff. Your scalp's accumulation of flakes is removed by Salicylic Acid. It functions as a keratolytic, which means that it affects the skin's protein structure. It lessens skin inflammation and irritability. Zinc Pyrithione works as an antifungal to treat fungal infections. It is a gentle substance that effectively reduces dandruff. Tea Tree Oil helps with treating inflammatory signs of acne such as redness, swelling, burning, and itching. Panthenol soothes dandruff-associated dryness & itching making hair look lustrous. It also works to increase the volume of hair strands. Chitosan gives the hair a conditioning effect, helps to keep moisture in low humidity, and forms a clear, elastic film on the hair, enhancing its softness and strength. Use an Anti-Dandruff Shampoo to wash your hair and scalp at least twice a week.
It would solve the problem to some extent.
Routine Hot Oil Massage
Dandruff thrives on a dry scalp, as was previously mentioned. You can treat your acne-related dandruff and dandruff itself by reducing the dryness. A hot oil massage is a fantastic way to manage your scalp's dehydration. You can use a variety of natural oils that are good for your hair and reduce dandruff. The most effective natural treatment for dandruff is coconut oil. According to a study, coconut oil has definite impacts on the hydration and dryness of the skin. Additionally, it can help lessen Skin Eczema and other disorders of the skin that might cause acne. Virgin Coconut Oil lowers the signs and symptoms of acne. Tea Tree Oil has been used for generations to treat a variety of skin and hair ailments. Tea Tree Oil can be used to treat dandruff and acne. It possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial qualities. According to reviews, Tea Tree Oil can effectively combat fungi that cause acne. Direct application to your face would also be helpful because Coconut Oil and Tea Tree Oil can both be used to treat acne. Before you go to bed, try applying two to three drops of one of the oils on your face.
Use An Aloe Vera Product
Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that is used for many different things, such as hair care, skincare, and many different medical concerns. Aloe Vera is a common ingredient in popular skincare lines. On the skin, Aloe Vera always has a relaxing effect. Inflammation, cold sores, acne, and other conditions are thus treated with it. Applying Aloe Vera calms the skin and lessens discomfort if your scalp is scratchy and scaly. Due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, Aloe Vera combats dandruff. Aloe Vera can be added directly to the face to relieve the stinging sensation.
Use Apple Cider Vinegar
Numerous health advantages of apple cider vinegar include the ability to treat dandruff. The scalp's dead skin cells are affected by its acidic nature. As a result, dead skin cells begin to shed. Additionally, it prevents the fungal growth that causes dandruff and restores the pH balance of your scalp. According to a test tube study, several fungal strains that may cause dandruff and dandruff-related acne may be inhibited by apple cider vinegar.
Apply Lemon Juice
Citric Acid, which is present in lemons, and combats the fungus that causes dandruff. Applying Lemon Juice to your scalp will help you get rid of dead skin cells and excess Sebum Oil from your skin. Any carrier oil, such as Coconut, Tea Tree, Rosemary, Almond, etc., can be combined with Lemon Juice.
Suggestions For Preventing Dandruff-Related Acne
- Brush your hair frequently. Combing your hair not only detangles it but also gets rid of flakes and dead skin. Thus, your scalp would not accumulate dead skin cells, and the likelihood of developing acne would be decreased.
- Make sure you are simply coating the strands of the hair when applying conditioner. Keep conditioner away from your scalp. Conditioner moisturises. Dandruff can intensify if your scalp becomes oily as a result of conditioner residue.
- Try to keep your hair off your face if you have a severe case of dandruff. Your forehead or cheeks may also be affected by the germs if hair covered in dandruff contacts them. Areas with bacteria or fungus will itch, irritate, and eventually cause an acne eruption.
- Sometimes, hair styling products act inappropriately against your priceless locks. When you use style products excessively, your hair becomes either very dry or very oily. Your hair gets prone to dandruff and suffers damage in both cases.
- Wash your hair with Anti-Dandruff Shampoo at least twice a week.
- Avoid over-washing your hair. The scalp will get dry because it will lose moisture.
- Combs, brushes, clips, and towels used for hair maintenance should all be cleaned regularly.
- Select hair care items that are appropriate for your hair type and treat your dandruff problem.
- Include anti-acne skincare items in your regimen.
- Avoid using harsh makeup products if you have acne-prone skin.
Dandruff-Induced Acne Affects Different Parts of The Body
The most commonly impacted area by dandruff, after your face, is your scalp. If you get acne caused by dandruff and dandruff-related flakes, your scalp suffers the most harm. Anyone who has acne on their scalp finds it to be very painful. As your scalp sheds microscopic pieces of flaky skin, it becomes itchy and scaly. Additionally, when your forehead and cheeks come into contact with your hair, extra sebum oil from your scalp also affects them. Seborrheic Dermatitis can occasionally affect oily body regions like the crotch, under the breasts, above the chest, and around the navel.
Acne is a difficult skin problem to treat. A mix of acne and dandruff makes things much more challenging to manage. Dandruff not only makes your hair worse but dealing with the shame it brings is also difficult. Anti-Dandruff Shampoos and other natural therapies can be beneficial. However, if you're unable to handle it on your own, do seek professional guidance.