
Simple Winter Skin Care Advice You Should Use This Season

If you want to win the battle against winter skin problems, there are certain important things to keep in mind. Winter is coming! While in India this signifies a welcome respite from the country's typically humid and hot weather, the drop in mercury levels will also entail a bit of a tough ride for...
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Reasons To Invest In High-Quality Hand Cream

An essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is using hand cream to keep our hands moisturized and protected. The face is typically the center of skin care treatments, with the hands receiving secondary attention or being neglected entirely. But it's important to remember that every time we wash our hands, they dry out and...
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Benefits Of Salicylic Acid For Acne-Prone Skin

There is an excellent reason why salicylic acid is a significant component in so many skincare products! This potent substance improves the skin in a variety of ways, from lowering inflammation to treating acne. Now is the perfect time to think about including a salicylic acid-containing product in your skincare regimen, if you aren't...
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Can Your Hair Wash Double Up As A Body Wash?

We all clean our hair and body with a bar of soap and shampoo. But it may take a lot of time to wash them separately. That is why we all have this question in our mind- Can a hair wash double up as a body wash? The answer to this question is yes...
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Top Causes, Types Of Acne And How To Treat And Prevent Them

Our skin has small pores that can get blocked by dead skin cells, bacteria, dirt, and oil. This can result in acne and breakouts. Moreover, getting pimples over and over again can cause severe acne. But, one can treat acne with care to prevent scar formation and stop other future acne breakouts. Here, we...
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The Quick Guide To Tattoo Aftercare

Have you lately gotten a new tattoo? If this is your first tattoo, you probably have a lot of questions regarding tattoo aftercare. The last thing you want is for your tattoo to fade or become infected and ruin your first tattooing experience. How do you care for your new tattoo, then? Here is...
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Effective Teenager Skin Care Tips

Are you just entering your teen years? It's barely surprising if acne outbreaks have knocked on your door. You shouldn't worry, though. Teen skin is tough, so even though acne affects 90% of teens, it may be cured effectively. We give you all the information regarding adolescent skin and explain how to care for...
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Identifying Different Skin Types

Introduction There are different skin care products that are available on the market for different skin types. However, most people use these products without knowing their skin type. As a result, most people suffer from acne and breakouts. To help you out, we will discuss the different types of skin and how you can...
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The Perfect Skincare Routine For Teenage Acne-Prone Skin

Introduction  When children grow up, their bodies start to change gradually. Along with the body, the skin also undergoes some changes. Teenagers are more prone to these skin changes, which is why most of them start to experience acne problems. Acne can also manifest in various ways, such as cysts, whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. For this reason, teenagers...
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How To Deal With Teenage Acne Problems? - The Do's And Don'ts

Introduction Acne refers to an inflammable and chronic condition that affects the skin. It occurs due to the clogging of your skin pores with oil and dirt. Acne is an extremely common problem among teenagers. To deal with the problem in an effective manner, we will tell you all the do's and don'ts of...
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